The Piitaistakis (South Livingstone Ridge)and Mt. Lorette Raptor Counts for the spring migration of 2010 are underway. Follow the daily movement of raptors in these field notes by Research Director Peter Sherrington and his citizen scientist colleagues.

Monday, February 15, 2010

February 15 [Day 1] (Valley View site) This is the 19th consecutive year of RMERF counts, the 18th consecutive year of full spring counts and the 3rd consecutive year of spring counts at Piitaistakis-South Livingstone. After over three weeks of spring-like weather in the area it was perhaps predictable that the first day of the count would see a change. It remained warm for the time of year with the temperature reaching 4C from a low of -1C, but light snow began just after 0900, became steady wet snow after 1100 and turned to rain or sleet between 1300 and 1625 when precipitation finally ceased. The ridges, which were clear until 1100, gradually become obscured by cloud reaching 100% by 1800. Both ground and ridge winds were light all day, with the ground winds never exceeding 6 km/h, and cloud cover was 100% stratus all day. Not surprisingly, no migrant or resident raptors were seen, although among the 13 bird species recorded were 4 that were new to the site in February: a Wild Turkey calling early in the morning, 2 Ruffed Grouse, a Barred Owl briefly calling at 1054 and a flock of 20 Pine Grosbeaks that were around all day. 12.67 hours: no migrant raptors.

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